Thoryk Custom Organ (GrandOrgue)
           6/11/18 Specification
           4 manuals, 11 divisions, 160 ranks, 8673 pipes

           Ranks use a mixed compass

           Great (Manual II, front, 34 ranks, 1933 pipes):
       16' Diapason                     --
       16' Pommer                       61
        8' Principal                    56
        8' Montre                       61
        8' Gamba                        56
        8' Gedakt                       56
        8' Quintadena                   56
        8' Doppelflöte                  61
        4' Octave                       56
        4' Prestant                     61
        4' Gambette (ext)               12
        4' Rohrflöte                    56
        2' Fifteenth                    56
        2' Doublette                    61
        2' Waldflöte                    61
       II  Sesquialtera                 100
        V  Cornet                       220 (44-note)
     IV-V  Mixture                      280
      III  Scharf                       183
       IV  Cymbale                      244
       16' Contra Trumpet (ext)         12
        8' Trumpet                      56
        4' Clarion                      56
           Great 16
           Unison Off
           Great 4

           Swell (Manual III, enclosed, front, 29 ranks, 1728 pipes):
       16' Bourdon                      61
       16' Rohrflöte (ext)              12
        8' Geigen Principal             56
        8' Salicional                   56
        8' Viol Celeste                 44
        8' Bourdon                      61
        8' Gedeckt                      61
        8' Rohrflöte                    56
        8' Harmonic Flute               61
        4' Octave                       56
        4' Salicet (ext)                56
        4' Octave Flute                 61
        4' Hohlflöte                    56
    2 2/3' Quint                        61
        2' Waldflöte                    56
        2' Piccolo                      61
    1 3/5' Terz                         56
        1' Sifflöte                     56
        V  Plein Jeu                    305
      III  Scharf                       168
       16' Fagott (ext)                 12
        8' Harmonic Trumpet             61
        8' Schalmei                     56
        8' Cromorne                     61
        8' Oboe                         61
        4' Clarion                      61
           Swell 16
           Unison Off
           Swell 4

           Choir (Manual I, enclosed, front left, 26 ranks, 1494 pipes):
       16' Gedakt (ext)                 12
        8' Principalflöte               56
        8' Gamba                        61
        8' Voix Celeste                 49
        8' Gedakt                       56
        8' Hohlflöte                    56
        8' Hohlflöte Celeste            44
        8' Flauto d'Amore               49
        4' Octave                       61
        4' Gemshorn                     56
        4' Flauto d'Amore (ext)         12
        4' Koppelflöte                  56
    2 2/3' Nazard                       56
        2' Principal                    56
        2' Oktavflöte                   56
        2' Koppelflöte (ext)            12
    1 3/5' Tierce                       61
    1 1/3' Larigot                      56
    1 1/7' Septieme                     56
        1' Kleinoctav                   56
      8/9' None                         56
       IV  Fourniture                   244
       II  Cymbel                       88
       16' Dulzian (ext)                12
        8' Trompette                    61
        8' Krummhorn                    56
           Choir 16
           Unison Off
           Choir 4

           Celestial (Manual IV, enclosed, front top, 15 ranks, 708 pipes):
        8' Principale                   54
        8' Principale Secondo (tc)      42
        8' Voce Umana (ta)              33
        8' Flauto                       54
        8' Flauto Celeste (tc)          41
        4' Ottava                       54
        4' Flauto in Ottava             54
    2 2/3' Flauto in Duodecima (mc)     30
        2' Decimaquinta                 54
        2' Flautino                     46
    1 3/5' Cornetta (mc)                30
    1 1/3' Decimanona                   54
      III  Ripieno                      162

           Gallery Great (Manual II, rear, 12 ranks, 780 pipes):
       16' Principal (ext)              12
       16' Gedackt (ext)                12
        8' Principal                    61
        8' Fugara                       61
        8' Gedackt                      61
        4' Octave                       61
        4' Fugara                       --
        2' Super Octave                 61
    2 2/3' Twelfth                      61
    1 3/5' Seventeenth                  61
      III  Scharf                       183
       16' Trumpet (ext)                12
        8' Trumpet                      61
        8' Oboe                         61

           Gallery Swell (Manual III, enclosed, rear, 9 ranks, 561 pipes):
       16' Bourdon (ext doppelflote)    12
        8' Principal                    61
        8' Gamba                        61
        8' Viol Celeste                 49
        8' Doppelflöte                  61
        8' Flauto Misterioso            49
        8' Harmonic Flute               61
        4' Violin                       61
        4' Octave Flute (ext)           12
        2' Piccolo (ext)                12
        8' Clarinet                     61
        8' French Horn                  61

           Epistle (Floating, enclosed, front back, 11 ranks, 581 pipes)
        8' Principal                    54
        8' Salicional                   54
        8' Portunalflöte                42
        8' Portunal Celeste             41
        8' Flaut Major                  54
        4' Octave                       54
        4' Portunalflöte (ext)          12
        4' Flauto Traverso              54
       II  Rauschquinte                108
       II  Mixtur                      108

           Stentor (Floating, sides en Chamade, 2 ranks, 122 pipes)
        8' Fanfare Trumpet I  (left)    61
        8' Fanfare Trumpet II (right)   61

           Pedal (front, 12 ranks, 408 pipes):
       64' Gravissima (derived)         --
       32' Contra Violone (ext)         12
       32' Contra Bourdon (ext)         12
       16' Diapason (ext)               12
       16' Violone                      30
       16' Subbass                      30
       16' Bourdon                      (sw)
        8' Principal                    30
        8' Violoncello                  (gr)
        8' Gedakt                       30
        8' Bourdon                      (sw)
        4' Octave                       30
        4' Koppelflöte                  (ch)
        2' Nachthorn                    30
       IV  Rauschpfeife                 120
       32' Contra Posaune (ext)         12
       16' Posaune                      30
       16' Dulzian                      (ch)
        8' Trumpet (from 16 and 4)      --
        8' Krummhorn                    (ch)
        4' Trumpet                      30

           Gallery Pedal (rear, 6 ranks, 240 pipes):
       16' Principal                    32
       16' Subbass                      32
   10 2/3' Quint                        32
        8' Octave                       32
        8' Violincello                  32
        8' Gedackt (ext)                12
        4' Octave (ext)                 12
       32' Contra Posaune (ext)         12
       16' Posaune                      32
        8' Trumpet (ext)                12

           Celestial Pedal (front top, 1 rank, 37 pipes):
       16' Contrabasso                  25
        8' Rinforzi (ext)               12

           Epistle Pedal (floating, enclosed, front back, 3 ranks, 81 pipes):
       16' Subbass                      27
        8' Principal                    27
        8' Violoncello                  27


Great to Pedal
Gallery Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Gallery Swell to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Celestial to Pedal

Gallery Great Off Great
Swell to Great
Gallery Swell to Great
Choir to Great
Celestial to Great
Epistle on Great
Stentor on Great

Gallery Swell Off Swell
Choir to Swell
Great to Swell
Gallery Great to Swell
Celestial to Swell
Epistle on Swell
Stentor on Swell

Gallery Great to Choir
Swell to Choir
Gallery Swell to Choir
Celestial to Choir
Epistle on Choir
Stentor on Choir

Great to Celestial
Gallery Great to Celestial
Swell to Celestial
Gallery Swell to Celestial
Epistle on Celestial
Stentor on Celestial