Los Angeles, California
       First Congregational Church of Los Angeles

       Chancel: Skinner Opus 856 (1932), enlarged 1967, 1992; 
       Gallery: Schlicker Organ Company (1969), enlarged 1992

       5 manuals, 346 ranks, twin consoles, 20,417 pipes, 20 divisions

       Wind supplied by 7 blowers.



       Chancel Great (Manual II, unenclosed above the North Choir, 27? ranks):

   16' Principal
   16' Holz Gedeckt
    8' Montre
    8' Diapason
    8' Harmonic Flute
    8' Spitz Flute
    8' Bourdon (metal)
    8' Gamba
5 1/3' Quint
    4' Octave
    4' Hohl Flute
3 1/5' Tierce
2 2/3' Twelfth
    2' Fifteenth
1 3/5' Seventeenth
  IV-V Mixture
   III Scharf
   16' Fagotto
    8' Tromba
    8' Trumpet
    4' Clarion
       Cloches (Solo, digital)

       Chancel Italian (Floating, unenclosed above the Peace Shrine, 11 ranks):

    8' Principal
    8' Voce Umana
    8' Flauto
    4' Ottava
    4' Flauto in Ottava
    2' Quinta Decima
1 1/3' Decima Nona
    1' Vigesima Seconda
  2/3' Vigesima Sesta
  1/2' Vigesima Terza
  1/3' Trigesima Terza

       Chancel Swell (Manual III, enclosed, above the South Choir, 43? ranks):

   16' Bourdon
    8' Diapason
    8' Hohl Flute (wood)
    8' Gedeckt
    8' Gemshorn
    8' Gemshorn Celeste
    8' Salicional
    8' Voix Celeste II
    8' Echo Viole Celeste II
    8' Orchestral Strings III
    8' Flute Celeste II
    4' Octave
    4' Flauto Traverso
    4' Chimney Flute
    4' Unda Maris II
2 2/3' Nasard
    2' Wald Flute
1 3/5' Tierce
1 1/3' Larigot
     V String Mixture
     V Chorus Mixture
   III Scharf
   32' Double Waldhorn
   16' Waldhorn
    8' Trumpet
    8' Flugel Horn
    8' Oboe
    8' Vox Humana
    4' Clarion

       Chancel Solo (Manual IV, enclosed, above the North Choir, 22? ranks):

    8' Grand Diapason
    8' Flauto Mirabilis
    8' Doppel Flute
    8' Violone Pomposa
    8' Violone Celeste
    8' Gamba Celeste II
    4' Gross Octave
    4' Flute Ouverte
2 2/3' Gross Nazard
    2' Flute Fife
     V Grand Chorus
   16' Posaune
   16' Corno di Bassetto (digital)
    8' Posaune
    8' French Horn
    8' English Horn
    8' Rohr Schalmey
    8' Tuba Mirabilis
    4' Harmonic Clarion
       Harpe (digital)

       Chancel Epistle (Manual V, unenclosed, in the South Gallery, 15 ranks):

    8' Diapason
    8' Rohr Flute
    4' Octave
    2' Octavin (prep.)
    IV Grand Plein Jeu
    IV Sesquialtera
   16' Clarinette Basse
    8' Trompette
    4' Clarion
    8' Trumpet Royale

       Chancel Choir (Manual I, enclosed, above the North Choir, 22 ranks):

   16' Contra Viola
    8' Diapason
    8' Concert Flute
    8' Lieblich Flute
    8' Viola
    8' Dulciana
    8' Unda Maris II
    8' Erzahler Celeste II
    4' Principal
    4' Flauto D'Amour
2 2/3' Nazard
    2' Block Flute
1 3/5' Tierce
III-IV Mixture
   16' Cor Anglais
    8' Trompette
    8' Hautbois
    8' Clarinet
    8' Trumpet Royale (Ep.)

       Chancel Pedal (unenclosed, above the North Choir, 20? ranks):

   64' Gravissima (digital, derived)
   32' Diapason Bass (digital)
   32' Contra Violone (digital)
   32' Sub Bourdon (1-7 digital)
   16' Open Bass (digital)
   16' Montre
   16' Contra Bass
   16' Principal (Gt.)
   16' Violone (digital)
   16' Bourdon
   16' Holz Gedeckt (Gt.)
   16' Lieblich Bourdon (Sw.)
   16' Contra Viola (Choir)
    8' Octave
    8' Principal (Gt.)
    8' Gemshorn
    8' Violoncello (digital)
    8' Bourdon
    8' Lieblich Flute (Sw.)
    4' Choral Bass
    4' Holz Gedeckt (Gt.)
    2' Nachthorn
    IV Mixture
     V Harmonics
   32' Ophicleide (digital)
   32' Double Waldhorn (Sw.)
   16' Trombone
   16' Posaune (Solo)
   16' Fagotto (Gt.)
   16' Waldhorn (Sw.)
10 2/3' Posaune Quint (Solo)
    8' Tromba
    8' Trumpet
    4' Clarion
    4' Waldhorn (Sw.)
       Bass Drum

       Musician's Gallery (floating, unenclosed, above the South Choir, 4 ranks):

    8' Gedeckt
    4' Flute
    2' Principal
1 1/3' Quint

       Gospel Organ (floating, enclosed, in the North Gallery, 10 ranks):

    8' Rohrflöte
    4' Principal
2 2/3' Nazard
    2' Schwegel
    IV Mixture
    8' Cromorne
    8' Petite Trompette

       Gospel String (enclosed with Gospel Organ, 7 ranks):

   16' Contra Violes II (prep.)
    8' String Organ VII
    8' Celestial Strings III (prep.)
    4' Salicet Celeste III (prep.)

       Gospel Pedal (enclosed with Gospel Organ, 1 rank):

   16' Pedal Bourdon

       Gallery Great (Manual II, unenclosed, West Gallery Case, 29? ranks):

   16' Principal
   16' Pommer
    8' Octave
    8' Rohrfloete
    8' Spillfloete
    4' Octave
    4' Nachthorn
2 2/3' Quint
    2' Octave
  IV-V Mixture
VI-VII Grossmixture
    IV Cornet (tenor f)
   16' Trumpet
    8' Trumpet
    4' Trumpet
    8' Trompeta Real (horiz.)

       Gallery Ruck-positive (Manual I, unenclosed, Gallery Rail case, 21 ranks):

    8' Principal
    8' Rohrgedeckt
    4' Octave
    4' Spitzfloete
2 2/3' Quint
    2' Octave
    2' Blockfloete
    II Sesquialtera
 IV-VI Mixture
   III Terzzimbel
   16' Dulzian
    8' Krummhorn
    4' Schalmei
    8' Fanfare Trumpet (Brust.)

       Gallery Swell (Manual III, enclosed, West Gallery case, 28 ranks):

   16' Lieblich Gedeckt
    8' Principal
    8' Flute Harmonic
    8' Bourdon
    8' Gamba
    8' Gamba Celeste
    8' Dolce
    8' Dolce Celeste
    4' Octave
    4' Traversfloete
2 2/3' Nasat
    2' Nachthorn
1 3/5' Tierce
1 1/7' Septieme
 IV-VI Mixture
   III Cymbel
   16' Fagott
    8' Trompette
    8' Schalmei
    8' Vox Humana
    4' Clarion

       Gallery Brustwerk (Manual IV, unenclosed, West Gallery Case, 18 ranks):

    8' Gedeckt
    8' Quintadena
    4' Principal
    4' Spitzgedeckt
    2' Octave
    2' Rohrfloete
1 1/3' Larigot
    1' Siffloete
    II Terzian
  IV-V Scharf
    8' Baerpfeife
    4' Regal
   16' Trompeta Real (Gt.)
    8' Trompeta Real (Gt.)
    4' Trompeta Real (Gt.)
    8' Fanfare Trumpet

       Gallery Ethereal (Manual V, enclosed, West Gallery, 0 ranks):

    8' Flute Ouverte (prep.)
    8' Gross Gedeckt (prep.)
    8' Flute Harmonique (prep.)
    8' String Organ IV (prep.)
    8' Violoncello (prep.)
    8' Cello Celeste (prep.)
    8' Vox Coelestis II (prep.)
    8' Celeste Harm. II (prep.)
    8' Ludwigtone (prep.)
    8' Aeolian Harp II (prep.)
    4' Flute Triangulaire (prep.)
    4' Vox Seraphic II (prep.)
   16' Musette (prep.)
    8' French Horn (prep.)
    8' Saxophone (prep.)
    8' Clarinet (prep.)
       Tremulant (prep.)
    8' Fanfare Trumpet (BW)
       Chimes (Solo)

       Gallery Echo (Manual V, enclosed, West Gallery chamber, 15 ranks):

    8' Cor de Nuit
    8' Vox Angelica II
    8' Unda Maris II
    4' Fern Flute
    4' Celeste Divinaire II
  IV-V Dolce Cornet
    8' Oboe
    8' Vox Humana

       Gallery Pedal (unenclosed, West Gallery, 32? ranks):

   32' Principal
   16' Octave
   16' Kontrabass (Gt.)
   16' Gemshorn
   16' Subbass
10 2/3' Quint
    8' Octave
    8' Flachfloete
    8' Gedeckt
5 1/3' Quint
    4' Choralbass
    4' Dolcan
    4' Hohlfloete
    2' Nachthorn
    1' Gemshorn
     V Hintersatz
    VI Mixture
   III Rauschpfeife
   32' Kontra Bombarde (half-length)
   16' Trompeta Real (Gt.)
   16' Bombarde
   16' Fagott (Sw.)
    8' Trompeta Real (Gt.)
    8' Trumpet
    4' Clarion
    4' Schalmei
    2' Kornett

       Gallery Ether. Pedal (enclosed with Ethereal, West Gallery, 0 ranks):

   16' Bourdon (prep.)

       Gallery Echo Pedal (enclosed with Echo, West Gallery chamber, 3 ranks):

   16' Echo Gedeckt
10 2/3' Quint
    8' Gedeckt